Tuesday, June 24, 2008

two different fellas. two kinds of jobs.

"Only way to guarantee an outcome, honey, is contracting to be fucked.  Everything else is chance."  -Elizabeth Sarnoff.  Hats off to Liz for putting the truth to poetry.

'Typical Situation' by Dave Matthews Band, because the lyrics are understated but Dave is a master at growling and making me feel urgent.  and if you know me, you know i like the sound of urgency.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, because O.MY.GAWD it was a beautiful story full of ethical questions and quandaries from beginning to end.  AND:  Roger Deakins is cinematographer extraordinaire.  the man is golden.  not to mention that Casey Affleck proves he's an actor- complete and total.  kid's got chops uh huh.

hiya gang.  pull up a drink and sit for a spell.

when's the last time you drank grape juice?  i know, me too!  i just bought some frozen grape juice from concentrate (not grape drink a la Dave Chappelle) so you know what that means:  grape juice and vodka!  i'm sipping it as i type.  

ok, so let me relay to you my observations from yesterday.  nothing fancy or photo-worthy, just more reasons to be vexed by this crazy town of mine.  i'll start with a little fella i'll name Mr. Dis Orient.  on my way back from the hospital, i happened upon an elderly gentleman on the corner of bush and octavia. he was holding a piece of paper with chinese writing on it.  he motioned to me and it was apparent that he was lost.  he could only say "i speak no english".  he needed to go 3 blocks north, judging by the address written on the paper. so i motioned as much and said "i'll take you. come with me." but he insisted that it was south- that i was wrong. then he said, "you call".  so i called the number on the paper and it was a restaurant- apparently the man was supposed to go there for a job as a dishwasher.  i told the gal on the other end  (she spoke chinese)to please tell the fella to come with me.  she asked, "who are you?" and i said, "i don't know!"  baahahahah.  seriously, i was this close to just picking the little guy up and carrying him there piggyback-like.  about 10 minutes later, he resigned himself to follow me and ended up apologizing all the way to the restaurant for being lost.  i know he didn't understand what i said, but i said it was alright, that i'd spent my whole life getting lost, in fact i still don't know who i am or what i'm going to do with my life but i like helping people, and little kids who aren't mine and animals and that someday i hope to be married and living in the country with a house that has a big kitchen and a fireplace and maybe a garden with radishes and definitely tomatoes, and that whatever i ended up doing for work that i hoped i could work from home so that i could drink as much vodka as i wanted without worrying about having a hangover at the office.  we bid each other farewell and i walked home wondering how the heck i was gonna pay for that hospital visit.

on my way TO the hospital, not so much...walking down post street i noticed a car parked facing the wrong direction in front of a driveway of an empty walgreen's.  then i saw a silhouette behind what looked like a map or something.  so i figured it was someone who had pulled over to find out where s/he was headed (join the club- it's all about discovery these days, huh kids?).  i got closer and saw that it was a security guard- i could tell by the little uniform.  i got even closer and realized that he had one hand out the open car window, and the other hand...was vigorously shifting his gear/fumbling with his key/sparking his plug. 
readers dear readers, i want to know:  is it really that urgent?  remember what i said up there about liking the sound of urgency?  NOT what i meant. can you not wait until you get home, or at least on the freeway, until you rub one out?? ok, he's a security guard and being a security guard is boring, but...christ on a cracker! do a crossword puzzle! 
anyway. the security guard at the empty walgreen's on post street is right-handed.

thanks for playing.  cheers. fin.

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