Monday, July 21, 2008

jasmine flowers, parking places, and shin splints

~"We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same." -Carlos Castenada.  i don't know, Carlos, man. some days i'm not devout enough or existential enough.  then again, begs the question-  why aren't i?

~'Lead me upstairs' by David Gray, because it's gripping.  i care little for my body, she says.
The Fall, the 'why' of which i will relay in detail in my next posting. i'm thinking it may be the best movie of my year.

hiya gang. pull up another drink. i just got home from a 4 hour training walk.  felt good.  felt really good. part of my walk included some fancy neighborhoods.  rich people's streets smell good.  but rich people don't stop for pedestrians.
well, they don't stop for pedestrians who look like me.

have a good one. i'm quiet tonite.
cheers. clink. fin.

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