Sunday, May 25, 2008

my soapbox hero

~"I know enough to know that everything's really OK, but I don't know enough not to get pissed off." -Mike Scott.  loud and clear, brother.  loud and clear.

~"Bukowski" by Modest Mouse because some days it seems that there are more assholes than there aren't.

~The Brave One, not a fantastic movie, but i do like to see baddies get it and get it good.

hiya kids.  pull up a drink.  sit for a spell.  

The History of Murder is my latest read.  i've only just started and am on a chapter about the history of pirates. i'm incurably curious about the nature of things, stories behind a story, the reason behind occurrences. there is that within me that longs to start a vigilante group against people who make the choice to harm children and/or animals.  anyone reading this should know that i'm very close-minded when it comes to abuse.  i don't give a good god-damned about injustices or abuses that have happened to a perpetrator.  once s/he chooses to destroy the life of a child or animal, all bets are off.  and it is a choice.  countless numbers of victims evolve and choose not to become perpetrators.  i'm not forgiving of abuse and, in fact, am a stone cold bitch when it comes to the debate.  everyone has a story.  that doesn't make everyone forgivable.

for over a decade, i've declared that Andrew Vachss is my hero.  i've seen him speak many times and always leave wanting to work for him.  dream job.  shit, i'd cut the man's toenails with my teeth if he'd ask me.  check him out, please.  you're seriously remiss if you don't.

thanks for reading.  fin.

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