Friday, May 8, 2009

a new shade of lipstick for my trip

~'San Francisco' by Nancy Sinatra because it makes me want to eat at a lunch counter with Jimmy Durante and have a heart-to-heart.
~'Have Love Will Travel' by the Sonics because I've been feeling frisky of late and, well, I have love and I am traveling, so why not spread it around a little?

~“The surest aid in combating the male's disease of self-contempt is to be loved by a clever woman.” -Friedrich Nietzsche. I put this one in today because I don't really like it.
I mean, what gives, Friedrich? Women don't have enough to do that we have to be responsible for a fella who can't buck up and live a life he's not ashamed of? Nah. Besides, I tried to love a male with the self-contempt disease and it didn't work. That disease is contagious, ladies. You see a miserable man coming your way, cross the street, apply a fresh coat of lipstick and do not look back.

~Midnight Meat Train - wow! What a terrific surprise, this one. Read on.

Hi gang. Couple of topics today. I'm not going to apologize anymore for the length of time passing between posts. I'm just not. Between the full-time job, doctor appointments, the gig*, and the goings-on of a single gal in the city…things get lunar.

Tiny topic 1: I first saw the trailer for Midnight Meat Train with my pal Maurice. First of all: brilliant title. Absolutely, resolutely, indubitably brilliant. We couldn't wait for it to come out. August 1 release date -- perfect way to celebrate my birthday, right? Wrong. Sadness ensued when they permitted its release in only a few theaters cross-country, SF not being one of those cities. The reasons were political (natch, it's Hollywood). But, I finally watched it on dvd last nite and was blown away by the production value. Only a minor story snafu toward the end that left me scratching my noodle, but Vinnie Jones- woo! That man's stare could send a charging bull away whimpering.
I've sort of gotten out of the horror genre because somewhere along the way "scary" got replaced with "violent". While violence is scary, it's not clever. A truly scary movie can be such without ever spilling a drop of blood.
Meat Train was bloody, I'm not saying otherwise. With a title like that…seriously. But the story was good. Was different. Was 98% thoughtful. I don't think it's a movie for everyone; all I'm saying is that it was a refreshing alternative to the teenage slasher flicks for which I have no tolerance, interest, or respect.

Tiny topic 2: So it's official now. I go in for surgery on June 10th. The name of the surgery is about this _____________________________________long, but essentially, I'm having my ovaries plucked. What happened was just this: this old body of mine has decided to no longer react favorably to the chemo treatments I currently receive. And so, here I go.
I'm trying to figure out a couple of things:
- how much does an ovary weigh? if it's ~2lbs… 2lbs x 2 = 4 and I'm halfway down to my Greece-trip weight!
- should I ask Doc to put the little jumping lady beans in formaldehyde so I can bring them out at parties? but what if they get mistaken for onions and end up in a Gibson?
Ovartini? A dirty martini with extra ovaries?
- should I make a necklace with them?
- should I realize my dream and make an ashtray?
- should I make an ashtray necklace (tres convenient et chic, non?)
- what if there's a demand for ovary ashtray necklaces (note to self: brainstorm marketing names, collect focus group)? do I turn into a body farmer? do I loiter outside women's health clinics peddling my ware?
- or do I do the right thing and donate them to an impoverished pre-op?

O turmoil!

After the surgery/recovery, I'm mediterranean-bound. I've bought my ticket to Greece. I'm going back, because I can't not. The heat, the food, the smell, the sand, the language….I'm so excited my belly's doing cartwheels. I've been listening to language cds and am pleased to report that the cds are actually moving too slow for me. I remember more than I thought and it's lovely.

And with that I must sign off for now. Treat yourselves to something sweet this weekend, gang: a smile, a Gimlet, a smooch, a peanut butter cookie and a dark beer. Life is too damned short and sour - make a mental list of thankful-fors and I betchya you'll almost literally feel your heart bloom. Seriously, there's not that much time.

*am absolutely over the moon with this, by the way. being featured on the site as a volunteer. check for it soon.

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